Greg Brenneman – Former CEO of Continental, BurgerKing, HomeDepot on Business and Family


This video features Greg Brenneman, a renowned executive known for leading major turnarounds at Continental Airlines, Burger King, and Home Depot, sharing his insights on business strategies and the importance of family.

Key Points

  • 📈 Business Turnaround Expertise: Greg Brenneman is celebrated for transforming struggling companies into industry leaders.
  • 🛠 Strategic Five-Step Process: He outlines a five-step process for business turnaround, emphasizing planning, financial health, revenue generation, team building, and employee empowerment.
  • 📝 One-Page Plan Importance: Stresses the significance of condensing complex strategies into a concise, actionable one-page plan.
  • 💼 Focus on Building a Strong Team: Highlights the necessity of assembling a capable management team to execute the turnaround plan effectively.
  • 🚀 Revenue Over Cost-Cutting: Prioritizes generating revenue and adding value over mere cost-cutting measures.
  • 💡 Fortress Balance Sheet: Advocates for maintaining a strong balance sheet as a fundamental step in securing a company’s future.
  • 🌟 Employee Empowerment: Believes in empowering employees to take ownership and drive change.
  • 🔄 Personal Turnaround Insights: Shares insights into applying business turnaround principles to personal development and growth.
  • 🤲 Tithing and Generosity: Discusses the importance of tithing and using wealth to serve others, emphasizing its role in personal fulfillment.
  • 📚 Lifelong Learning and Mentorship: Encourages continuous learning and seeking mentorship for both personal and professional development.


  1. Mastering Company Revival: Brenneman’s approach to reviving companies includes clear, strategic planning and execution.
  2. Simplicity in Strategy: The effectiveness of a one-page plan for clarity and focus in business strategy.
  3. Team Dynamics: Building a team tailored to the strategy’s needs is critical for success.
  4. Revenue Focus: Shifting focus from cutting costs to enhancing revenue and service quality.
  5. Financial Health: Establishing a robust balance sheet is crucial for enduring challenging times.
  6. Empowering for Success: Empowering employees fosters a culture of ownership and innovation.
  7. Applying Business Acumen to Life: Using business strategies for personal development ensures growth and happiness.
  8. The Power of Giving: Generosity not only helps others but enriches the giver’s life.
  9. Continuous Improvement: Commitment to continuous learning and mentorship is key to both personal and professional success.
  10. Holistic Approach: Balancing professional success with personal development and philanthropy for a fulfilling life.