Dr. Ben Carson’s Most Important Speech

  In a powerful address, Dr. Ben Carson, the former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and renowned neurosurgeon, discusses the foundational principles of the American Cornerstone Institute, which he established post-retirement. He emphasizes the importance of faith, liberty, community, and life—principles he perceives as under threat in today’s society. Takeaways ✝️ Faith […]

Video Essay 2: Einstein’s Math and the Prophet of the Titanic

  This video essay intricately combines the narratives of prophetic foresight, as exemplified by the story of the Titanic, with Einstein’s revolutionary mathematical insights, exploring the intersection of mathematical precision, historical prophecy, and their manifestation in our perceived reality. Key Points 🛳 Titanic’s Prophetic Tale: A narrative written by Morgan Robertson, which uncannily predicted the […]