Dan Carlin: Hardcore History

Dan Carlin: Hardcore History | Lex Fridman Podcast #136

In the Lex Fridman Podcast #136, Dan Carlin, a renowned historian and podcaster known for his show “Hardcore History,” discusses a wide range of topics including the essence of historical events, the nature of evil, and the impact of historical understanding on modern society. Carlin’s approach brings deep, narrative-driven insights into history, drawing connections between the past and contemporary issues.


  • 📚 Deep Historical Insights: Exploration of profound historical events and their lasting impacts.
  • 🧠 Nature of Evil: Discussions on what constitutes evil across different epochs.
  • ⚔️ Human Conflict: The inevitability and constant presence of war throughout human history.
  • 🌍 Global Perspectives: How history shapes our understanding of current global dynamics.
  • 🤔 Philosophical Questions: Examining the philosophical underpinnings of historical narratives.
  • 🔍 Analytical Thinking: Carlin’s methodical approach to dissecting historical complexities.
  • 🗣️ Engaging Storytelling: Mastery in narrating engaging and thought-provoking historical tales.
  • Impact of Leadership: Analysis of historical leaders and their influence on events.
  • 🕊️ Pursuit of Peace: Discussions on how history informs our pursuit of peace.
  • 🔄 History Repeats: Themes on how past events shape, and sometimes repeat, in the modern world.


  1. Carlin discusses the enduring relevance of history in understanding current events and human behavior.
  2. He explores the concept of evil, questioning its definition and presence in historical contexts.
  3. The podcast discusses the nature of war and conflict, considering whether violence is a fundamental aspect of civilization.
  4. Carlin examines the motivations behind historical figures and their actions, pondering if they believed they were doing good.
  5. Discussions cover the impact of ideology and leadership in shaping historical outcomes.
  6. The role of storytelling in history is highlighted, emphasizing its power in shaping public perception.
  7. Carlin reflects on the lessons modern society can learn from historical events and figures.
  8. The conversation touches on the psychological aspects of historical actors and their decisions.
  9. Carlin and Fridman discuss the potential for history to guide future actions and prevent past mistakes.
  10. The podcast includes a broad discussion on various historical periods and their influence on today’s world.