TOOL 3: Develop A Mission

TOOL 3: Develop A Mission


Your master mission is like a tremendous mastering vow that cascades all the lower promises of your life into order.

As you read this book and learn new information, consider the questions below and return frequently to think through them.

If you know why you exist (YOUR MISSION), you will begin to see what you should value (YOUR VALUES) and who you can become (YOUR VISION).

The 3 Elements of Strategy

The Strategy involves the steps to become the person you want to be. Begin by asking the following questions:

Objective: What are the 2-3 key activities I can commit to over the next year most likely to achieve my long-term Vision?

Scope: What focus/constraints, such as geography, people, and Values (from above), will I place on my efforts to focus myself on accomplishing my Objective?

Advantage: Which of my resources, position (within companies/organizations/families), and talent if developed could make me the best person to accomplish this Objective, given the constraints of Scope?

Rick-Walker-3 Mission Values Vision

In other words, what can I do better than anyone else?